Recently, I was asked what advice I would give to a newly ordained pastor as he was placed into the office of holy ministry. Immediately, I said two words, “patient endurance.” In other words, I would encourage him to patiently endure in his new vocation where God has called him. God does not make mistakes. In his new vocation as pastor, he will be given a new place in life where he can do good works to praise God’s holy name and to serve others. The Lord gives shape to the way in which He is to be honored and the neighbor loved in patient endurance. The Holy Spirit will be at work doing a new thing. He will begin to produce the fruits of joy in suffering and patience in affliction. Read more.. …click here
Monthly Archives: August 2018
Lecture 288- Baptism- The New Creation, the New Clothing, and the New Walking Part 6
Baptism: The New Creation, the New Clothing, and the New Walking Part 6
Rev. Brian L. Kachelmeier
Ephesians 4:22 – 32
[audio:|titles=Baptism-The-New-Creation-the-New-Clothing-and-the-New-Walking-Part-6]In this lecture, we continue our discussion on the New Creation, the New Clothing, and the New Walking.
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Trinity in Creation
Trinity in Creation
The Law Always Accuses… …without Christ the Mediator Part 3!
The Law Always Accuses… …without Christ the Mediator Part 3!
To help us understand the proper meaning of the phrase “the Law always accuses,” it would beneficial to make a distinction between the use of the Law for justification and the use of the Law for the justified. This distinction helps us to understand the difference between the righteousness of the Law and the righteousness of the Gospel.
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Lecture 287- Baptism the New Creation, the New Clothing, and the New Walking Part 5
Baptism: The New Creation, the New Clothing, and the New Walking Part 5
Rev. Brian L. Kachelmeier
Ephesians 2:8 – 4:24
[audio:|titles=Baptism-The-New-Creation-the-New-Clothing-and-the-New-Walking-Part-5]In this lecture, we continue our discussion on the New Creation, the New Clothing, and the New Walking.
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Introduction to the Video Lectures for Reading Isaiah with Luther
The Law Always Accuses… …without Christ the Mediator! Part 2
As heirs of the rich Reformation theology, we should love our Latin phrases such as, “lex semper accusat” (the Law always accuses) which rejects the idea of justification by the Law without faith in Christ our Mediator and the Latin phrase “lex non potest eos accusare aut damnare” (the law cannot accuse or condemn them) which extols the article of justification through faith alone in Christ our Mediator. More importantly, we should rejoice in the comfort of knowing Christ as our Mediator. He is the end of the Law for righteousness to all who believe (Romans 10:4). In Him, we have been redeemed from the curse and condemnation of the Law (Galatians 3:13
; Romans 8:1
). As Melanchthon writes,
[Christ] is the propitiation for them for whose sake we are now accounted righteous. But since they are accounted righteous, the Law cannot accuse or condemn them, even though they have not actually satisfied the Law (Triglotta Apology Art. IV On Justification [Article III: Love and the Fulfilling of the Law], para. 58. NOTE: Kolb/Tappert Apology Art. IV, 179).
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Lecture 286 – Baptism The New Creation, the New Clothing, and the New Walking Part 4
Baptism: The New Creation, the New Clothing, and the New Walking Part 4
Rev. Brian L. Kachelmeier
Ephesians 1:7-2:7
In this lecture, we continue our discussion on the New Creation, the New Clothing, and the New Walking.
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Christ in the Old Testament – The Prophets Bring us Before the Divine Tribunal (Nahum and Obadiah)
Pastor Kachelmeier is the guest on Issues, Etc. talking about the Divine Tribunal and the Prophets (click here to listen)
Coming Soon…
The Law Always Accuses… …without Christ the Mediator! Part 1
The Law Always Accuses… …without Christ the Mediator! Part 1
As heirs of the rich Reformation theology, we love our Latin phrases: sola scriptura (Scripture alone), sola fide (faith alone), sola gratia (grace alone), sola Christus (Christ alone), simil iustus et peccator (simultaneously justified and sinner), and lex semper accusat (the Law always accuses). However, we must be careful lest we exchange our birth right for simple bumper sticker slogans. Our Faith is not grounded in Latin phrases; rather, it is rooted in the Holy Scriptures and confessed clearly in the Book of Concord. Read more (click here)
Lecture 285 – The New Creation, the New Clothing, and the New Walking Part 3
Baptism: The New Creation, the New Clothing, and the New Walking Part 3
Rev. Brian L. Kachelmeier
Ephesians 1:1-14
In this lecture, we continue our discussion on the New Creation, the New Clothing, and the New Walking.
Download this lecture by clicking on the link below: