Lecture 292 – The Baptized in Corinth Part 1

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The Baptized in Corinth Part 1
Rev. Brian L. Kachelmeier

1 Corinthians 1:1-16


In this lecture, we begin our discussion on Baptism in the letters to Corinth.
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The Law Always Accuses… …without Christ the Mediator Part 6

The Law Always Accuses… …without Christ the Mediator Part 6

In the Apology, Melanchthon is setting forth the proper teaching on the article of Justification. When he employs the Latin phrase “lex semper accusat” (the Law always accuses), he is rejecting the papist teaching on the Righteousness of the Law without Christ the Mediator. They bury Christ and teach the Law for justification. The Law always accuses and condemns the self-righteous. In contrast, he sets forth the Biblical doctrine of justification through faith alone in Christ our Mediator. In concord with Melanchthon, we believe, teach, and confess the Righteousness of the Gospel. (Read more… …click here)

Lecture 291 – Baptism – The New Creation, the New Clothing, and the New Walking Part 9

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Baptism: The New Creation, the New Clothing, and the New Walking Part 9
Rev. Brian L. Kachelmeier

Ephesians 6 and review of the letter


In this lecture, we continue our discussion on the New Creation, the New Clothing, and the New Walking.
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Lecture 290 – Baptism – The New Creation, the New Clothing, the New Walking Part 8

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Baptism: The New Creation, the New Clothing, and the New Walking Part 8
Rev. Brian L. Kachelmeier

Ephesians 5:25-6:18


In this lecture, we continue our discussion on the New Creation, the New Clothing, and the New Walking.
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The Law Always Accuses… …without Christ the Mediator! Part 5

The Law Always Accuses… …without Christ the Mediator! Part 5

In the Apology, Melanchthon contrasts the teaching of the papists with the Biblical doctrine of justification. They teach the Law for justification without Christ the Mediator. Therefore, they are under the curse and condemnation of the Law. The Law always accuses (lex semper accusat). On the other hand, the teachers of the Biblical doctrine of justification teach the righteousness of the Gospel. We teach the work of Christ as the only Mediator with God. We teach the Law for the justified, that is, those who trust in the person and work of Christ are redeemed from the curse and freed from the condemnation of the Law. The Law cannot accuse or condemn them (lex non potest eos accusare aut damnare). Yet, in this life, the conscience continues to be alarmed by the voice of the Law. The Law requires complete and perfect obedience. However, because of the corrupted human nature it is impossible to keep the Law. Therefore, the Gospel must continually be heard by the justified. (Read more click here)



Lecture 289 – Baptism – The New Creation, the New Clothing, and the New Walking Part 7

March RTA Logo

Baptism: The New Creation, the New Clothing, and the New Walking Part 7
Rev. Brian L. Kachelmeier

Ephesians 4:30 – 5:28


In this lecture, we continue our discussion on the New Creation, the New Clothing, and the New Walking.
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The Law Always Accuses… …without Christ the Mediator! Part 4

The Law Always Accuses… …without Christ the Mediator! Part 4

In our discussion of Justification as taught in the Apology, we want to focus on the pastoral care found in this doctrine as it relates to the giving of a clean conscience. We know that Christ has redeemed us from the curse and freed us from the condemnation of the Law. However, in this life, sin still plagues the justified.

Furthermore, because of sin, the conscience becomes troubled and conflicted. As the Law brings the knowledge of sin within our own hearts, we are left with a guilty conscience. Keep in mind that the conscience is an instrument given by God to testify to the actions of an individual. When the conscience is working properly, it alerts the individual of sinful thoughts, words, and deeds. If one does evil, the conscience becomes alarmed and terrified. When the conscience is shaped by the Law of God, it submits to God as the Judge. He alone determines what is right and wrong. The Law brings the knowledge of sin. However, if the conscience is only formed by the Law, then there is no rest. The conscience demands that the Law be satisfied in order to be right with God. The Law cannot justify. The Law does not teach the forgiveness of sins. In this sense, the Law always accuses and produces wrath. Read more… …click here