Monthly Archives: May 2022
Lecture: Nahum Chapter 1 Verses One through Two
Rev. Brian L. Kachelmeier
In this lecture, we conclude our conversation about the prophet Jonah, and we set our eyes on Jesus the One who is greater than Jonah.
Download this lecture by clicking on the link below:
Sermon on John 16:33
Sermon – The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit
Sermon: Good Shepherd Sunday 2022
F. C. D. Wyneken
Rev. Friedrich Conrad Dietrich Wyneken died on May 4, 1876. He served as a missionary for the Pennsylvania Ministerium in Ohio, Indiana, and Michigan. He served as a pastor in such cities as Fort Wayne, Baltimore, St. Louis, and Cleveland. He served as the second president of the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod.
Lecture: Jonah Chapter 4 Verse One through Eleven
Rev. Brian L. Kachelmeier
In this lecture, we conclude our conversation about the prophet Jonah, and we set our eyes on Jesus the One who is greater than Jonah.
Download this lecture by clicking on the link below: